If you want to download the product document of endoscope, please use the contact form or contact us by e-mail.
We have three types of industrial endoscope.
JW-F Series Electric Industrial endoscope
JW-G Series Mechanical Industrial endoscope
JW-T Serises 3D Measurement endoscope
1. It is recommended to choose the probe protection level at the IP67 or above.
2. Ensure the inner diameter and length that needs to be detected, and whether there are bending, to choose the suitable insertion tube diameter and length.
3. According to the use of the scene to choose the appropriate lighting source.
If you would like information about our repair and service options, please use the contact form or contact us by e-mail or phone.
If you have any problems, technical questions or need advice, you can contact us via the contact form, by e-mail or telephone. We will be happy to help you.